Sunday, 23 March 2014


If you've ever had that person in your life that you wanted to save then this one's for you. Human beings always have this tendency to want to pick someone up and try to change them. Boys will be attracted to a girl because she wore shorts and they always saw her legs and then expect her to just magically change and start wearing long skirts because they're together. And girls will choose the pretty boy because he's attractive but then be perplexed when all the other girls try to get at him. It's pretty silly when you think about it.

People can't, and more often than not, will not change overnight. It's just not in a our makeup. So it baffles me a lot when people attempt to change someone even if it is for the better or for their own good. It's kind of useless because that person won't ever change until they make a conscious decision on their own to do just that. It's a hard pill to swallow especially if you love the person whether it's a parent, child, boyfriend, girlfriend or even just a friend. The only thing we can really do is assess the situation and decide whether the traits we don't especially like about the other person are enough to make us leave them forever.

Maybe there's a savior complex in all of us and it just takes a certain person(s) to unleash it. Or maybe love just makes us so blind that at first we're dazzled by everything the person does until we get further in the relationship (whatever kind of relationship it is) and all the things that made us love them become annoying and overbearing. Whatever it is, sooner or later we have to realize that we just can't save someone. Not unless they want to be saved. The reality is the more you try to "save" them and change them, the further you'll push them away. And if you love the person enough to want to save them, then that in itself is just not worth it.

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